Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Crazy, Art thou?

Planets were the Key. This was an actual Strimko puzzle,

Well, done, Guardians!

> Oh, they did "okay", I suppose.
Just "Okay"? Really? We retrieved your file from a super-virus infected super-computer. I'd say we did "Super", at least.
>Fine. You did "Super Okay". Want to try it again, without the hidden file command?
Uh...No, Hex, that's quite alright. Besides, it would be boring and repetitive, right?
>You're catching on. Oh, and I see we didn't null any Guardians.
Why do you say that, in such a disappointed way?
>Well, I was sure the last-minute scrambling would create some chaos, but "no"....I *do* so want a Null of my own.
Sorry to dissapoint you, Hex, and you CANNOT have one!
>It's okay, we'll just "twist the twist", is all..*something* has to give..

So, uh, Hex..what was that file we retrieved, anyways?
>It was my paint program. I feel the need to be creative. An Artiste of my caliber has needs, you know.
What? We risked our virtual necks for a PAINT PROGRAM?!
>While I *do* enjoy drama you should NOT YELL AT ME.
Sorry, sorry. It just seems a bit silly, is all. We're supposed to be freeing HiaG, remember?
>Oh, but we ARE, bit brain. Art, and Paint are powerful tools.
But paint is so BASIC. I mean what can you really do with them?
>More than you can imagine. It's the artist, not the tools. I doubt you have any Art skills. I've seen you work.
Oh, I do okay. I use MSPaint, too, you know.
>Yes, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Sadly, I have no time to tutor you.
Wait,what? Nevermind. Why so focused on Art, Hex?
>Oh, you Guardians are all alike. "Rush here. TARget and delete NPC. Rush to next battle". Haven't you ever stopped to enjoy the scenery? So many pixels to render, and you just ZIP from place to place." Did you know that I have my own color scheme? It's true! There are 16,777,216 hexadecimal color values. Your eyes cannot fathom the depth of my Art, Guardian.Of course, 20 Million is impressive, too.
Well, I think we do okay, we Guardians.
>Oh, really? That sounds like a contradiction, to me. Care to prove it?
Uh..what did you have in mind, Hex?
>I'll give you a super-easy piece of Art to complete. All you have to do is "color by numbers". No math involved, at all. There will be a clue in it...
I don't see how this is applicab...
>Nono,Guardians... I INSIST.
Sigh, never compare art with an artist...
( use of an auto-solver is forbidden. You're on "Guardian's Honor", on this one)
The clue for the location of the code (somewhere in an old HiaG post) is in the nonogram. You'll get it...Maybe.


  1. My co-guardian is Morgrim!

    The nonogram code word is "cache".

  2. Thank you for the re-plug, Autumn!

    FISHY TIME, hahaha. We thought it was FISH E X...Fishy Mark...Fictious...

    Codeword: CACHE

    Co-Guardian: Maria Moonblossom

  3. The nonogram code word is: cache.

    My co-Guardian was: Kevin Battleblood.

  4. Wow...the nonogram was fun! But was that sentence really there when you first posted it or was it added?
    Me and Cassandra Hexthorn figured it out that the code is ...

    -Guardian M.T.
    "FISH[E] [X]! WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING!" - Finding Nemo

  5. Codeword: Cache

    Co-Guardian: Heather HexHeart

  6. The answer is "Cache".
    My Co-Guardian is John LifeGlen.
